Your Contribution Will Help Us To Bring Wonders Of Cosmos To The Pakistani Classrooms And Communities

At Exploration, we believe that every child has the right to dream, to explore, and to reach for the stars. Our mission is to ensure that no child is deprived of the opportunity to discover the wonders of the universe, regardless of their socio-economic background. We believe the cosmos holds the power to unite us and ignite curiosity in young minds. In Pakistan, where opportunities to explore the wonders of space are scarce, we aim to inspire and empower the next generation through world-class STEM education.

Imagine a Pakistan where every child can dream beyond the stars and access the tools to make those dreams a reality. Your donation helps us introduce innovative STEM programs, develop local talent, and foster a culture of exploration in classrooms where no public planetarium or observatory currently exists.

We can unite to make space science accessible, enabling Pakistan’s youth to drive innovative solutions to global issues.

Support us today to light up the imaginations of tomorrow. Visit our donation page or contact us at hi@explorationbyyumna.com for more information.


Why Donate?

Your contribution will directly support our efforts to enhance space education and awareness for children across Pakistan. The funds will be channeled into developing hands-on workshops, providing educational materials, expanding outreach to underserved areas, and offering scholarships for students to participate in space-related programs. Together, we can bridge the educational gap and give these young dreamers the tools and opportunities they need to explore the wonders of space.


Inspire the Next Space Generation:

Your contribution will directly support our efforts to enhance space education and awareness for children across Pakistan. The funds will be channeled into developing hands-on workshops, providing educational materials, expanding outreach to underserved areas, and offering scholarships for students to participate in space-related programs. Together, we can bridge the educational gap and give these young dreamers the tools and opportunities they need to explore the wonders of space.


Transforming Education Through Hands-On Activities:

Your contribution will directly support our efforts to enhance space education and awareness for children across Pakistan. The funds will be channeled into developing hands-on workshops, providing educational materials, expanding outreach to underserved areas, and offering scholarships for students to participate in space-related programs. Together, we can bridge the educational gap and give these young dreamers the tools and opportunities they need to explore the wonders of space.


Reaching the Unreached:

Your contribution will directly support our efforts to enhance space education and awareness for children across Pakistan. The funds will be channeled into developing hands-on workshops, providing educational materials, expanding outreach to underserved areas, and offering scholarships for students to participate in space-related programs. Together, we can bridge the educational gap and give these young dreamers the tools and opportunities they need to explore the wonders of space.



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Support Our Cause:

Local Supporter

For national donors, please use the bank details below for direct transfers:


Account Title: YUMNA MAJEED 

Account Number: 6998129305714101042 

IBAN Number: PK98MPBL9981347140101042

Global Contributor

For international donors, you can contribute via Western Union or WISE:


Account Title: YUMNA MAJEED 

Account Number: 6998129305714101042 

IBAN Number: PK98MPBL9981347140101042

Make an Impact. Donate Today, Empower Tomorrow’s Space Explorers

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